Characteristics and differences between TOEFL and Duolingo

portada toefl y duolingo

American universities ask their international students to take a test to assess their level of English. There are some exams that institutions accept, but TOEFL and Duolingo are the most accesible ones. Although the most common test is the TOEFL (Test Of English as a Foreign Language), a new test created by the Duolingo application is gaining more and more ground. Today we explain the advantages and disadvantages of each of them so you can choose which one you prefer: TOEFL or Duolingo. Let’s get started!

General information about TOEFL and Duolingo

The TOEFL has three different options to choose from depending on your preferences:

  • Test at a specialized center: there are more than 3,000 authorized centers worldwide and more than 60 exam sessions.
  • Home Edition Test: this is the same test you would take at an authorized center but with the convenience of being able to take it from home. It is monitored by a proctor, so you will have to make sure you meet the equipment and space requirements. It is available 24 hours a day, 5 days a week, with the possibility of getting an appointment 24 hours after registration
  • Paper Edition Exam: This exam is a hybrid exam. It consists of the same sections as the other versions but with the difference that it is divided into two sessions. The reading, writing and listening are done on paper at a specialized center, while the speaking is done on the computer at home. This option is only available in Colombia, India, Mexico and the United States.

Duolingo is an online test that allows students to choose the right time and place to take it. You just have to make sure you are alone in a quiet, well-lit place. As with the TOEFL, there will be a proctor to review your test, so make sure you meet these requirements.

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Institutions that recognize them

The TOEFL is the most popular test among American universities. It is chosen by more than 11,000 institutions in the United States and the rest of the world. Universities in Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada and New Zealand, as well as Europe and Asia also accept it.

The Duolingo exam has grown a lot in recent years. In 2020, this exam was accepted by about 500 universities. Today, more than 3,000 institutions worldwide accept it. Some of these universities are as prestigious as Columbia, Stanford or UCLA, among others.

What are they like and what parts do they have?


  • It has several sections: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
  • In these sections you will be able to demonstrate one or more skills. For example, in the writing section you will not only have to write about a topic, but you will also have to read a text or listen to a recording that you will then write about.
  • It lasts 3 hours and has a 10 minute break after the first 2 sections.


  • It has two main parts: the first has a series of scored tasks combining reading, writing, listening and speaking questions, and the second is a live interview where you answer open-ended questions and take a written test.
  • Only the first part is scored, the second part is not.
  • The exam is adjusted to the candidate’s level as they progress.
  • The first part lasts 45 minutes and the second 10 minutes, which makes the exam approximately one hour long.



How to prepare for both tests

One thing that the TOEFL and Duolingo exams have in common is that you need to prepare for both of them ahead of time.

There are numerous online and paper-based TOEFL preparation packages that you can find on their website, as well as mock exams and guides. You will also have at your disposal an app that includes both free and paid content where you can practice the different parts of the exam.

If you want to prepare for the Duolingo Englist Test, on their website you have some test exams to do, as well as some videos about how it works and an official guide with many tips and examples.


The TOEFL does not have a pass/fail system. The score can range from 0 to 120. As there are 4 sections, each section has a maximum score of 30 points. The tests are corrected by a centralized scoring network. Reading and listening are scored by a computer. Speaking and writing are scored by a combination of artificial intelligence and specialized people. Depending on the type of test you take, the results take more or less time to arrive. In the case of taking the test in an on-site center and the Home Edition, the results take 4-8 days, while with the Paper Edition it takes 11-13 days. You can receive them through your ETS account or via email and they are valid for 2 years.

In Duolingo, the results are presented on a scale from 10 to 160. There are total results that give an overall description of your abilities and individual results that evaluate specific areas. You can receive them in less than 48 hours and you can share them with anyone you want. Like the TOEFL, these scores are valid for 2 years.

These are some of the differences between TOEFL and Duolingo. Now it’s up to you to make a decision!

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